Planning: scheduling, resources and budget

To work more effectively and to better lead your team
1h 24′ video
BONUS: 22′ introductory video to project management

CHF 103.00

How can you plan more or less complex projects? By structuring your project and getting quite easily your Gantt chart. Later you can also get your resource plan to make sure that your plan is realistic. In addition, it will be quite straightforward to get the budget for your project! I also show you how to plan at the task level.

When should you get this know-how?
When writing a project proposal.

Work breakdown structure, milestones, Gantt chart, resource plan, budget, tasks, work packages, workload

Also included:
- Introductory video about project management in research
- Presented slides
- Template of the PM-Cube
- Link to the PM-Cube App

Duration of the videos: 1h 24' + 22 minutes
Duration of access to the videos: 2 weeks

Trainer on the videos: Carine Galli Marxer
Language of the videos: English